Copy it and show it on your blog ( now I did )
Say thanks to the giver (THANKS PETRA!!!!)
Give this award to 7 people
Tell 7 interesting things about yourself ( these will be 7 new things)
I will give this award to:
Angelique it is because of her I started this craft. Thanks girl!! Still enjoy it a lot.
Kim just love her cards....glitter all the way
April adorable cards and a perfect coloration
Jodie lovely Magnoliacards
Bine Colorful and very happy cards
Hanna extrem talented young girl
Maddy great card maker and very talented with fimo
And now 7 interesting things about me:
- I'm no longer a Registered Pergamano® Teacher
- When I was 23 years old I moved to Stockholm and I returned to Holland when I was 33
- Since I live in Holland I got a problem with my weight (added 32 kilo's )
- I started with cardio 2.5 month ago and already lost 8 kilo YIPEEEEEE...still 25 to go
- I have far to many stamps perhaps I should sell some
- The cuttlebug is the best thing I ever bought....craftwise
- After every card I make, I clean my craft table in order to make a kaos again starting with the next card.
Een kollega heeft deze kaart besteld voor haar zus die Coebergh ontzettend lekker vindt.
Ik heb hievoor op internet nog twee recepten uitgezocht zodat ze wat mixen kan met de drank.
De kok staat voor haar achternaam en de boot charms zijn erbij omdat ze op een boot werkt.
En arbetskamrat har beställt ett födelsedagskort för hennes syster. Hon giller Coebergh massor så flaska fick vara med. Har hittat på internet två mix recepter så hon kan njuta hennes dricka ordentligt. Då hon heter Kock i efternamn fick en kock vara med. Och hon jobbar på en båt så det fanns även plats med två söta charms.